Welcome to the Canadian Forces College Foundation
The Canadian Forces College (CFC) Foundation was created in 2011 by forward-looking, community-minded individuals with the purpose of enhancing the academic and cultural experience of students at the College, and expanding the defence and national security conversation within private, public and corporate Canada. Read More..
Upcoming Event
October 7, 2024
Canada and the F-35: Transformation of the Royal Canadian Air Force
Visit the Canadian Forces College on October 7th to hear the stories of F-35 Test Pilot Billie Flynn and just how transformative the F-35 is for the Royal Canadian Air Force. From capabilities in the arctic, to expeditionary use, to interoperability, Billie will explain his experiences and what we can expect.
Sign Up Here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/billie-flynn-canada-and-the-f-35-transformation-of-the-rcaf-tickets-1019431185117